
Making Gayby exists to empower queer and trans folx who want to become parents or are already parents.


When my wife and I were TTC (trying to conceive), I was frustrated with the lack of resources that we found. Most of the advice and information was not queer inclusive. And some of it was simply incorrect when taken out of the context of a heterosexual relationship.

Bad information led to increased financial cost and emotional stress. But we got better at TTC, learned a lot, and at the end of our journey I wanted to share the knowledge.

I decided to create what I had sought and could not find.

The goal is to provide parenting information from a queer folx lens, and create support and community connection.


The blog site is all free information. And it’s just getting started with posts centered around considering parenthood and TTC.

More content is planned to cover topics like expecting a child and delving into all things queer and trans parenthood.

At the moment, I am the sole content author (shoutout to my wife for editing), but I want to bring on more writers to diversify the site’s perspective.

I am a white, American enby. While my viewpoint is valid, it’s also limited to that intersectional identity. I plan to diversify authorship as soon as possible.


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